Big Readers For Big Men
Posted by FarrellBurk on 8th Jun 2023
Scroll down on this page to see our featured extra-large optical readers for men. These represent our largest and highest quality men's readers. The reason the widest available readers happen to be better quality isn't because we're trying to sell more expensive glasses. Rather, mass produced cheaper glasses are made in huge quantities, so the manufacturers gear their production toward the MOST they can sell.
However, we have curated a collection of the largest wide-frame optical readers, which are prescription grade frames which we then curate with top-of-the-line pristine reading lenses. Most of the style below have an option to upgrade to computer lenses.
You can skip to our NEWEST XL reading glass, added for Summer 2023 here
BIG GUY- At 6-1/4" wide, Big Guy are the WIDEST, BIGGEST readers we've ever come across. And if that's not wide enough, they have spring hinges to accommodate even larger faces. Exceptional quality lenses and frames meet classic styling.
Additionally our Big Guy now also available in bifocal for $10 more and we can craft them into SUN readers
2. IKE- At 6-1/4" wide, Ike are just as wideas Big Guy and have the same height, only the arms are slightly shorter, Ike have150mm temples compared to 160 for Big Guy. Unlike Big Guy, Ike do NOT have spring hinges. Ike comes in three color choices include a beautiful nave blue. The shape, thickness of the frame, thickness of the stems, shape of the bridge are so alike we can't tell the difference unless we look at the branding and logo. And we've seen a LOT of glasses.
3. SHARP~ At 6" x 1-2/3" they hold the title of second largest men's readers, tied with a few others in this collection. They don't make regular over-the-counter readers quite this large. In the opinion of the DebSpecs staff, Sharp are the most eloquent. The shiny black & rich tortoise in give them a more expensive appearance suited for business and formal wear. .
4. KING-
6" wide. Our hippest. King size readers are tied for second
largest, but at a great price point and with sporty style. King extra large readers feature
trending mis-matched temples, spring hinges, crystal clear optical lenses and a
cool vibe. $39.95
5. MONTE- 5-9/10" wide. A very close third place. Contemporary European style
reading glasses with optical frames and lenses in handsome colors. $39.95
6. WILLIAM - 6" wide. Most popular. $34.95 Also available with computer
lenses for $14 extra.
7. SLAM DUNK- 5-3/4" wide. Tied with Gladiator as our
third largest. Trendy two tone rectangular
frames with spring hinges and crystal clear optical lenses. $39.95
8. Texas Hold Em- Also 5-2/3 wide with flexible stems, these readers not only accomodate extra large faces, they deliver on style and color. Notice on the news, awards shows and celebrity blogs how the best dressed guys these days using eyeglasses to infuse color into their fashion.
9. Stride- These are 6" wide with spring hinges and simple classic rectangle shape balanced by super cool colors. This is the largest transparent reader we have ever come across! The matte black is also great choice if you like subdued.
10. New Billions- These are just ALMOST 6" wide yet a comparatively slim 1-1/2" in height so that even though they're made for wide heads, they're not imposing, and also easier to stare someone down over the top of them. Or...just look across the room over the top of them :)
11. New Rodney- 3/4" wide in cool matte colors, an edgy masculine shape and lightweight, durable material.
12. New Maverick- Versatile for looks from sporty to formal with a flattering rectangle shape, spring hinges 5-2/3" x 1-3/4
13. New Roger- Hi end, large presence, formal 5-3/4" x 1-2/3"
If you would rather view average-wide readers for under $20, visit here >>